Local Artist Spotlight : "The Lizard"

In this installment of the Artist Spotlight Series, I interview MYSELF.

---disclaimer...The Lizard performs, but Matt merely drives the skeleton

What got you started in music? 

When I was about 6 years old, I walked by a music store that had a red white and blue striped guitar in the window that was just like Buck Owens' on Hee Haw. I had to have it.  My mom said I could if I took lessons.

Is there anyone in your family that is musical, who are they and what do they play?

My grandfather played piano/organ and trumpet and my father played guitar.  I have an uncle that does not perform, but he definitely influenced my love of music and the genres I like.  He introduced me to all the good stuff.  My wife played clarinet in school and has a great ear for music.  A four hour car ride with her is just like a four hour concert STARRING her.

What was the first instrument you purchased? 

A really HORRIBLE nylon stringed acoustic off-brand guitar.  The action on it could hold up a suspension bridge.  No lie.  Guitars like that should be illegal.  I recommend young prospects drag their parents to a pawn shop and buy something good that can be resold later if interest in it wanes.  There is alot to be said for a professional setup also.

What instruments can you play?

Bass guitar, a little guitar, an even littler amount of keyboards/synths and drum sequence programming.

Have you had any formal, sit-down training or lessons?

I took guitar lessons when I was 8 from a teacher at a music store that specialized in selling those AWFUL Alfred's books.  "Three Blind Mice" etc.

In school, there were always the obligatory singing sessions in music class, but I never pursued band.  I did, however, sit-in with some of the members of my High School band after hours, playing the left hand parts to songs like "Tequila" and "Peter Gunn" on the piano.  I guess I was destined for bass.

Later, around the age of 21 I took bass guitar lessons from a great teacher named Ron that quit teaching halfway through to go do session work in L.A.  He was the first to teach me the mighty I-IV-V!

I am currently taking lessons online from www.scottsbasslessons.com

What are the pieces that make up your current equipment setup?

I have a 1976 Fender Precision strung with Ernie Ball strings and a 1000w Trace Elliot head and cabinet as my main gear.  I, like many others, have Gear Acquisition Syndrome (G.A.S.) and my storage area is, in the words of Howard Carter, quite full of "wonderful things."

What famous musicians or their recordings have you been influenced by?

The Police are MY Beatles.  They are the only band that I have enjoyed (and OWN) all of their output including their solo efforts.  The first song I heard of theirs was "Hole in My Life".  I was hooked.  I was drawn to Copeland's drumming, but what 16 year old did not want to be Sting?  I would have to say Chris Squire, Cliff Burton, Steve Harris and Geddy Lee have had some major influence, and Victor Wooten's philosophy is really great for any musician.  "The Music Lesson" parable that he wrote should be required reading for anyone that is trying to get better at anything.  I have some eclectic tastes as well, ranging from Tears for Fears and The Beloved to Ben Folds Five and Mozart.

Do you ever get nervous performing, and how do you deal with it?

Stage fright can manifest itself in different ways for different performers. My sign of nervousness, would be "going blank".   I aim for the small target "sweet-spot" between just a bit of overconfidence and  just a bit under prepared.  I don't drink too much and I have found that, the BIGGER the audience, the more at ease I am.  I am not sure why.  I am still learning how to "get in the zone" and making those booties bump with the bass frequency.  

What is your practice regimen like?

I try to get an hour of practice every night.  I am not always able to.  I work on songs that I know for a half hour and new stuff for a half hour.  I am also taking lessons online. I recently read somewhere that, to become a MASTER of something, requires 10,000 hours.  At my current rate in 30 years I will be a master.

How do you balance your music career and the rest of your life?

My day career takes up most of the sunlit hours, but I aim for about 2 nights a week dedicated to music (and to stay married). I go to open jams, support local bands that I know, rehearse and perform with a couple of bands.

How would you describe your band's sound?
I am repeatedly told to avoid playing within genres, but I am also told that I am a blues man. 

What musicians are currently the featured performers in your band?

Just me, but I have been blessed to play and/or practice with the talented musicians in Bonedaddy and Hangar Sixx and OF COURSE the Blue Mama Blues Band, as well as dozens of others at jam sessions. I also do alot of experimental stuff at home. I have done some loop arrangement with Sony Acid and some compositions on a Commodore Amiga running the Octamed sequencer program. I also have some Korg Kaossilators that are really fun. When the mood strikes, I will turn on a few synthesizers connected via MIDI and just see what comes out. I even submitted a jingle to a local ad campaign.

What is next on the horizon for you, musically?

I would love to continue performing locally, and getting some session work would be great too.  Ideally, I would come up with a "one hit wonder novelty song" and become a viral sensation, but reality intrudes. Until then, I will keep banging out rhythms on things when no instruments are around, playing air guitar, and listening to music, even if it is only the earworms in my head.  I have noticed that some novice musicians ask me questions, and the wise talented mentors around cast a glance to see if I am passing good knowledge on, that amazes me.

If you found this blog, you know how to find me.
If you see me around town, feel free to ask for a photo or autograph.

Stir up that MONKEYDUST!



  1. Yer such a techno nerd. Lol! Wish I had that interest. Keep rockin' Lizard!!!


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